The unexpected COVID-19 pandemic brought a difficult start to 2020. Although social life and business activities have returned to normal, we must admit that social and business environment has entered a long-term new normal. In such an environment, both companies and individuals need to be vigilant in order to adapt, to transform, to innovate and to make breakthroughs in this era.
At this summit, ACCA will discuss three key words: adaptation, revolution, and innovation, which will dovetail with the theme - ‘Purpose of the Profession’.
Adaptation: The outbreak of the pandemic has stimulated the development of certain industries and changed previous norms and market rules. When unexpected situations occur, can companies quickly adjust their operations and market strategies? Adaptability refers not only to the ability of an enterprise to respond to emergencies, but also its ability to survive in unpredictable markets for the long run. For financial professionals, adaptability is critical in maintaining personal value in the enterprise.
Revolution: While adaptation helps enterprises to respond to changes and survive, transformation turns enterprises into market leaders. Being able to foresee business trends, seize opportunities and successfully implement internal and external changes, these capabilities upgrade adaptation to transformation. As finance professionals, we must transform before external changes happen so as to remain competitive.
Innovation: Innovative capability is an ability of the highest level. In the future, finance needs to give full play to the initiative and enthusiasm of finance professionals to participate in business management, expand the boundaries of financial work, make breakthroughs in related fields, keep up with the development trends of the times, and innovate in terms of new ideas and concepts, information technology, business models, methods and tools.
The tide of the times will only move forward, and only those with courage and wisdom can make a way through the coming waves!
时间 Time | 日程 Agenda |
13.00-13.05 | 欢迎致辞 |
顾佳琳,ACCA会长 | |
Welcome speech | |
Jenny Gu, ACCA President | |
13.05-13.10 | 开幕致辞 |
刘勤,上海国家会计学院副院长 | |
Opening speech | |
Liu Qin, Vice President, SNAI | |
13.10-13.20 | 智能财务研究中心合作签约仪式
Intelligent Finance Research Centre Cooperation Agreement Signing Ceremony |
13.20-13.50 | ACCA洞见分享 :在职场中活出信仰: 后疫情时代财务人的突围之路 |
钱毓益FCCA,ACCA中国政策洞察总监 | |
ACCA insights sharing: Maintain faith in the workplace: a breakthrough for finance professionals in the post COVID-19 era | |
Yuki Qian FCCA, Head of Policy - China, ACCA | |
13.50-14.50 | 主旨演讲:中国经济展望 |
花长春,国泰君安证券研究所全球首席经济学家 | |
Keynote speech: Outlook on China's economy | |
Hua Changchun, Global Chief Economist, Guotai Junan Securities Research Institute | |
14.50-15.30 | 主旨演讲:资本市场三十年与注册制新征程 |
施东辉,中国首席经济学家论坛高级研究员(ACCA-上交所联合研究负责人) | |
Keynote speech: The evolution of China’s capital market and the new journey of securities issuance registration system | |
Shi Donghui, Former Director, Capital Market Institute, Shanghai Stock Exchange | |
15.30-15.40 | 茶歇 Networking break |
15.40-15.50 | ACCA卓越成就奖颁奖典礼 |
Awarding ceremony: ACCA Achievement Awards | |
15.50-16.20 | 主旨演讲:创新引领,打造数字融合经营新模式 |
潘卫东,浦发银行副董事长、行长 | |
Keynote speech: Technological innovation drives revolution of business efficiency | |
Pan Weidong, President, Vice Chairman, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank | |
16.20-17.20 | 座谈:后疫情时代,财务人应该如何帮助企业可持续发展 |
主持人:尹凡,第一财经市场直播部总制片人、主持人 嘉宾: 李东,喜马拉雅首席财务官 刘剡,安徽海螺水泥股份有限公司首席财务官 施伟忠 FCCA,上海市第十人民医院总会计师 | |
郑海宁 FCCA,菜鸟资深财务总监 | |
Panel discussion: How should finance professionals help companies pursue sustainable development in the post COVID-19 era | |
Chair: Yin Fan, Chief Producer and Anchor of CBN Panellists: Albert Li, CFO, Himalaya Liu Yan, CFO, Anhui Conch Cement Co., Ltd. | |
Shi Weizhong FCCA, Chief Accountant, Shanghai No.10 Hospital Zheng Haining FCCA, Senior Finance Director, Infrastructure, Cainiao Smart Logistics | |
17.20-18.20 | 主旨演讲:情绪处理 |
姚乃琳,酷炫脑科学创始人、《大脑修复术》作者 | |
Keynote speech: Emotion management | |
Yao Nailin, Brain Science Expert |
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