10th ACCA Asia Pacific Thought Leadership Forum
—— 2022 Economic Outlook: A roaring Tiger or a Lazy cat?
Sectoral focus: E-commerce, Real Estate and Construction and FMCG
The past 24 months have witnessed a period where economic and business projections have had to change continuously. Many call-outs were made in the past of moving towards a post-pandemic phase, only to be hit by newer forms of variants. This makes the work of finance functions and leaders all the more difficult. How do we establish viable and resilient future business projections? How do we challenge our business leaders without sounding overly negative and downbeat? Should business plans be premised on economic growth outlooks (which can change quickly and dramatically); and if so, whom do we believe?
This upcoming Asia Pacific Thought Leadership forum will look at more broadly what 2022 may look like and importantly, based on members’ feedback for greater sectoral focus, zoom in on 3 major and still growing sectors in Asia Pacific – e-commerce, real estate and construction, and fast moving consumer goods (FMCG). We will listen to the insights from leaders in each of these sectors how they see the sector evolving in 2022 – both in terms of opportunities and risks.
备注:本次活动的确认邮件将在1月18日(周二)18点前发出。如您在报名过程中遇到任何问题,或没有及时收到确认信息,请在工作日与ACCA广州办公室联系(联系电话:020 8755 8112 / 3888 0737)或在活动当天联系中国客服热线:4008333338。
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